Miami University, Oxford, OH, Assistant Professor, 2014-2015
- ENGL 413: Grant Writing (1 section)
- 教导学生分析授予书面的修辞和行政方面,确定赠款资金来源,分析申请要求,对开发应用叙事进行有用的研究,并练习授予特定受众的授予提案。学生通过撰写本地非营利组织的赠款建议进行体验学习。
- ENGL 223: Rhetorical Strategies for Writers (3 sections—1 in-person and 2 online)
- 指导学生在书面,口语,视觉和数字文本中制定复杂的言论意识。学生们认识到各种修辞策略,并分析文本说服,通知和聘请观众。学生不仅分析,而且还撰写自己的有效,修辞意识的文本,以便在学术课堂内外进行受众。
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2010-2013
- ENGL 106:介绍组成(3个部分)
- 教授一年的学生撰写和分析书面,视觉和口语文本。我的课程中的学生撰写了各种类型,包括在线社论,社区口腔历史,音高信和公共服务广告。我的课程通过要求学生寻求当地的场地来强调写作内容。
- ENGL 420:商务写作(2个部分)
- Teaches students the rhetorical principles and writing practices necessary for producing effective workplace writing. In my courses, students learn about business writing in a rhetorical key, analyzing professional cultures and negotiating the ethical dimensions of workplace communications. Students are introduced to document design (Photoshop, InDesign) and research practices (database research, on-site research).
- ENGL 420Y:商业写作在线 - 远程教育(5个部分)
- 利用在线环境教学学生提供有效工作场所写作所需的修辞原则和写作实践。在我的课程中,学生分析了在线通信的道德方面,学习数字协作和研究工具(Google文档,Skype,数据库研究,互联网“拉”研究)。
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2008-10
- ENG 101:英语作文I(2个部分)
- 教学生开发复杂argume写的nts within academic and community contexts. In my courses, students are introduced to primary and secondary research methods as they compose rhetorical analyses of popular speeches, synthesis essays on current topics, and proposed solutions to local community problems.
- ENG 102: English Composition II (4 sections)
- 教导学生对社区受众进行学术论点。我的课程驾驶了一个跨大学在线同伴审查制度,让学生成为在线上的本科研究的编辑团队。
托马斯更多大学,Crestview Hills,Ky,讲师,2012-13
- ENG 320:修辞语法(3个部分)
- Teaches students to develop stylistic awareness in their writing and in their teaching of writing by examining grammatical structures through a rhetorical lens. In my courses, students compose philosophies of grammar instruction and multimodal grammar lessons.
- GER 101 & 102: German Level I – Part I & II (2 sections)
- Teaches students the fundamentals of German grammar and conversation. In collaboration with a German faculty mentor, I developed a syllabus, schedule, and lesson plans based on immersive language learning, and then I independently taught the course.