明确的公共知识分子的定义并不容易来到今天。目前对公共知识分子的大部分谈话使其似乎是思想领导才是加入一个独家俱乐部 - 获取“列表”“前20名”或者“Top 100”我们时间的公共知识分子。作为我们的写作专家团队最近研究和创造了一个公共知识分子15天阅读名单,我们发现主题的大多数思想件都是谁的判断是谁,谁不是公共知识分子。虽然我们都需要智力英雄,但公共知识产权的列表建设方法已经错了。
那么问题的答案是什么,“谁是公共知识分子?”It does the public far less good to define a public intellectual based on their prestige, audience size, media attention, social influence, or even “genuine” regard for the unencumbered pursuit of knowledge (there’s truly no action un-impacted or un-influenced by power structures, after all–even if some pursuits of thought leadership are more transparent and authentic than others). Instead, we define public intellectuals as individuals in pursuit of knowledge-making andknowledge-sharing- 在事实上发现,研究,共享见解和听证会对这些决策者的不同观点以及受其影响的人的重要性,具有不可抑制的信念。
Public intellectualism is something bigger than any one public intellectual or even laundry list of public intellectuals. It is the larger movement of a people towards insight. Here’s our definition of public intellectualism:
Why is this view of public intellectual work more fruitful than the current list-building approach? Defining the public intellectual as someone with a commitment to sharing knowledge, and public intellectualism as a collective movement to do so, is empowering.该定义配备所有美国专家和领导以及一般公众的成员,学习,教导,调查,分享,辩论,谈判和实现影响我们所做的决定的真理。In this way, public intellectualism fosters public good and works toward the benefit and well-being of the public. Knowledge and intellection are non-rivalrous, non-excludable public goods. And if that is the case, then our focus needs to be on how we can all strengthen our own habits of public intellectualism in both our personal and professional lives.
The 8 Axioms of Public Intellectualism
Knowledge should be accessible
考虑我们中的大部分都能得到的一切our hands on these days. We can access word processing software and publish what we write. We can access social media platforms and freely circulate what we publish. We can access local news, national news, international news, the opinions of friends, strangers, trolls, and bots. Yet, academic, peer-reviewed knowledge is too often confined to university libraries and paid-access databases. The insights of industry experts are protected under veils of intellectual property. The shift from a culture where people passively consume information to one where they读取,写和重新灌注已经写过的是什么,然后讨论,需要访问将建立更充分通知的公众的智力材料。并牢记弥补公众的多样性,可访问性也意味着信息分享,促进全面列入所有社会成员,无论他们的社会经济地位,识字水平,种族,身份还是disability。
Knowledge should be translatable
公众值得可以理解和实际使用的信息。否则,世界上的所有访问都没有意义。制作信息可翻译意味着始终传达信息本身,始终清晰why it matters。Cornel West不仅仅定义新自由主义。他使案件进行为什么现在讨论新自由主义问题。可翻译也意味着简单地,写作像写给其他人的人一样。没有易变性,你得到了术语或“学术界”。正如Jill Lepore所说的那样:“一个伟大的,堆积的精致知识包围着一个可怕的散文的巨大护城河。”公共知识产权要求我们以所有人都能理解的方式说。
Knowledge should be interdisciplinary
通过“盒子外思想”承诺成功和创新的创造性提示都很好,很好,但创造性问题解决方案的真正挑战意味着在各种专业领域创造桥梁。今天的问题太复杂,无法在虹吸式关闭特色筒仓。自动化。全球化。数字素养。收入分配。核不扩散。气候变化。我们需要在包括跨越字段的贡献,包括永远攻击人文学科。After all, those fields often viewed as disparate can and do make good partners. As a wise friend once put it while watching Jurassic Park: “Science will teach you how to bring dinosaurs back from extinction. The humanities will remind you thatcoulddoesn’t always meanshould,让我们彻底盯着迪诺蛋,我们吗?“
工业和学术工作需要对已经建立和维护业务和研究计划的思想家的理论,数据和智慧进行测试。学术出版要求对任何正在印刷的研究进行同行评审。从这个意义上讲,它始终是合作的。公众值得同样的支持。这可能会开始better access to research,但应继续促进跨国利益攸关方的合作,这些利益攸关方会产生影响公众的决定。哪些个人,团体和实体将有最有价值的见解?他们应该在桌子上座位。
驱动选择分享信息TIDBIT或视角的动机是什么?C. Wright Mills'1945的发表者提醒人们提醒,以考虑当今知识共享的道德问题:“知识分子与他潜在的公共支架,经济和社会结构由他人拥有和运营。”公共知识分子有时会收到使用他们的名人状态的Flakto beef up their CVs or profit from speaking engagements.After all, an additional CV line is currency in academia. It can influence promotion and tenure decisions. In reality, the constraints of the companies, organizations, communities—private and public—where we operate all come with their own priorities that affect the work we do. Again,no activity is divorced from power structures。A commitment to ethics means continually questioning the motives that drive our work and asking if it’s ultimately adding to the public good.
Authenticity is hard to define, but we all know it when we see it. It is a close cousin to ethics, but a more right-brained relative. Authenticity is fundamental to public intellectualism. Think James Baldwin speaking out against racism in the U.S. by recounting his experience在迪克卡韦特节目上(yes, it’s worth a 3 minute watch). Baldwin’s perspective is authentic because it involves emotional risk-taking. Authentic messages score highest when it comes to translatability. On a fundamental level, they answer theSo what?问题只是讲述真相。
Knowledge should be entertaining
考虑到我们今天最重要的知识分子今天可能并不是传统意义上的知识分子。他们可能是喜剧演员。Samantha Bee,Stephen Colbert,John Oliver,Trevor Noah。他们总是在解决政治,但他们通过漫画交付使新闻访问。选择在Alt-Facts和真实性时代的荒谬的选择可能只是公众在这个特殊时刻的需要,使当前事件更加消化。这种敏感性适合哪些背景是公众在场地应得的。
Knowledge should be factual
Regularly, we are told that we are awash in a sea of information. Add to the sea a more recent figurative twist: Not only are we awash in a sea of information; now we are awash in a sea ofMIS.information, thanks to the ease of information-sharing online. Clearly, we need an anchor and a collective agreement to deal a death blow to “alt facts.” While universities are prioritizing teaching数字扫盲技能,帮助我们将事实与虚构分开(and from opinions that pretend to be facts), the task requires a collective commitment to fact-checking even if—and especially when—those facts don’t align with our individual worldviews.
在信息之海中,我们与公共知识分子的概念制定了奇怪的关系。通过将名人作为我们的知识英雄举行,我们为他们提供所有行动责任。但是,公共知识分子主义的新观点 - 一个人在共同追求知识 - 赋予我们所有人来称呼自己的公共知识分子。体现智力工作的公理。追求公众的理解,因此促进公众良好。当我们争取追求知识的社会时,我们记得我们站在巨人的肩膀上。从知识分子的证据证明,他们证明了“将思维工作”通向公众意味着什么。他们的领导力应该鼓励我们所有人加入运动。因为在目前定义的分歧时代death of expertise, the moment to empower the public with knowledge is now.