A Comprehensive List of Anonymous Google Docs Creatures

作为作家,我们经常发现自己在与客户和其他创意中合作的合作文件,谷歌文档中的许多匿名生物都没有逃脱我们的通知。我们希望我们的读者能够与我们一起发现每个新的生物!在我们的每月通讯,我们拥有本月的匿名Google Docs生物!加入我们的社区并注册我们的时事通讯。Here’s our comprehensive list from 2019!

一月:我们不确定你,但我们的一些团队在相信Narwhals的情况下花了太多年,否则被称为“Narwhales”,是神奇的生物,只能在洛洛找到。我们有多幸运,他们实际存在于我们的世界中?这些Artic水中鲸鱼体育了一个大型矛状的甜点,实际上源于犬齿牙齿。据Inuit Legend称,这个众所周知的螺旋塔克是一名带有皮疹绳子的女人在腰部绑在海洋后被拉进海洋后,在鱼叉击中了一个大的喧嚣。在水中,她转变成一个吵闹的人,她的头发在扭曲的结中穿着,成为喧嚣的象牙。
FEBRUARY:如果你在思考,“等等,这个名字听起来很熟悉。他们没有这个生物吗?“然后我们赞扬你的注意力。我们确实在2018年10月通讯中有一个有趣的类似探索生物:Chupacabra。尝试说“Capybara”和“Chupacabra”快速十次,我们保证他们会觉得自己的话。然而,与令人恐惧的Chupacabra Mystery怪物不同,Capybara是一个非常真实的害羞但友好的生物。如果您正在寻找证据,或者只是想在您的一天添加一点可爱,请查看此视频婴儿帽栏和猪。其他事实包括戴巴拉斯是世界上最大的活啮齿动物,可以长达175磅。有人据说他们可以像马匹一样快地跑,在水下才能在5分钟内存下来,因此超过2月的月份的生物。
MARCH:The story of this month’s creature feature is something of an emotional rollercoaster–full of highs and lows that, if you’re like us, can leave you reeling.这是悲伤的部分:Quagga漫游南非平原直到他们在1878年灭绝。Quagga将自己与身体前部的有限棕色和白色条纹相分开,褪色成一个大部分棕色的外套。A fun fact:他们的名字来自呼叫,它听起来像“Kwa-ha-ha”。Now for the hopeful ending:Quagga于1984年成为第一批经历DNA分析的灭绝动物。这为此设定了基础Quagga项目那where a dedicated group of folks are recreating the phenotype of the quagga hair coat pattern by selectively breedingBurchell’s zebras!!
四月:克拉肯已经长期以来,充满了海平的噩梦。据北欧民间传说报道,我们的许多腿怪物曾被称为摧毁和吞噬全部船只。这种神话的力量随着时间的推移而长大,因为它的巨大尺寸的账户。虽然传说本身不再被大多数人相信,但它几乎肯定会始于现有的海洋居民的目击,一个巨大的鱿鱼的平均长度是惊人的33英尺。艾尔l this to say, this month’s “creature feature” reminds us of the potential truth buried within our favorite myths and legends. A story well-told can last for generations, and we’re all about telling a great story.
MAY:龙漫步的时间和地理跨越差不多七个世纪的讲故事。有时被称为无国王宝的怪物,其他次作为运气和繁荣的指标,龙一直是人类恐惧和欲望的最大象征之一。虽然他们的故事已经支撑了时间的考验,但这些神秘的生物可能只抓住了你的注意力。并“最近,”我们的意思是过去的八个季节Game of Thrones。*剧透警报*对于我们所有的粉丝,愚蠢的沉默时刻,塔吉丽人,着名的“龙母”和解开球队成员的名称,丹尼克拉克。无论你对最终集的意见,系列系列的孤独龙,他的火热出口是毫无疑问的传说。
六月:After last month’s more fearsome feature (shout out to Drogon the dragon) and fond farewell to everyone’s favorite fantasy series, we thought we might be due for some uplifting content. Dubbed the ‘cutest octopus in the world,’ the Dumbo octopuses use large, ear-like fins to flap and hover their way across the seafloor, hence their precious namesake. These darling little bell-shaped cephalopods inhabit some of the deepest, darkest places of the ocean–up to 13,000 feet below the surface–making them difficult to study. If you aren’t filled with a sense of wonder and delight yet, check out this raresighting由natgeo捕获。
七月:There are many fun parts about noticing new anonymous Google Doc Creatures within a shared document. Our favorite part is not always correctly identifying the creature based on the icon image. Take a look at the photo above and you’ll know what we’re talking about. When we first saw the icon, we guessed it was a puffer fish. Instead, when the mouse hovered over the image, the word “hedgehog” appeared. However, hedgehogs did not disappoint. They immediately drew us in with their impressive, spiky appearance and pig-like eating habits. In fact, they got their name from how they eat their prey–snakes, mice, worms–by picking and grunting their way through hedges. When they sense a threat, hedgehogs curl up into a ball, fully exposing their full coat of sharp spines. That being said, the best little tidbit about hedgehogs is this: their babies are called “hoglets” – an undeniably adorable name, for an undeniably adorable creature.
八月:While you may know them as Australia’s favorite wild dogs, Dingos are also found in southeast Asia. It seems that sea travelers are responsible for the location change because studies of Australian fossils indicate that the first dingoes were introduced between 4,600 and 18,300 years ago. Some argue that they are the proud descendents of wolves, but others will assure you they are their own species. In fact, they do not bark, but howl like wolves. That and they do look somewhere between our domesticated dog pals and their wild wolf counterparts with long muzzles, larger ears, and more pronounced canine teeth. That being said, with more and more hybrids between dingoes and domesticated dogs occuring, they may be becoming more genetically similar to man’s best friend.
九月:这个月的生物特征可能被忽视,但仍然雄伟,鸭子。您可能熟悉野鸭(如上图所示) - 毕竟,毕竟,毕竟,当事实证明,鸭肉种类时,它被认为是地球上最丰富的鸭子。一些鸭子被分组为少吃鸭子,潜水鸭和栖息的鸭子,而其他鸭子落在僵硬的鸭子,海鸭,Shelducks和吹口哨。根据云杉那while the name “duck” indicates that a bird belongs to the Anatidae bird family, “the scientific family of ducks is so diverse that it is possible to group certain duck species into smaller divisions by their common characteristics.” Among these common characteristics lie some interesting facts. For example, ducks have better vision than dogs. Due to their eye placement, they can achieve a nearly 360-degree view of their surroundings. They can also see in full color AND in ultraviolet. Hopefully, you walk away from this reading experience with more of an appreciation for our feathered friends—I know I did.
十月:作为他们在电影中的角色Kangaroo JackCrocodile Dundeeclearly indicate袋鼠一直是公众魅力的源泉,并且有充分的理由。我们的Marsupial Friends和他们超过65种不同物种的“土地下降”往往也有关,也在新西兰引入。The naming and behavior conventions对于这些动物也有相当的范围。年轻的袋鼠乘坐“乔伊”的名字,并在母亲的小袋里度过了第一个几个月的生活。袋鼠群体被称为“怪物”,并且可以轻松地搅拌成“野外”,其中个体在各个方向上反弹并通过将尾巴敲打在地上来发出警报。众所周知,雄性袋鼠们在他们的汉语中站在他们的后果,互相勾选女性袋鼠。虽然他们众所周知,犯了一些奇怪的暴力行为(陪练,开膛,溺水其他动物),但他们可爱的跳跃能力走得很长。Here’s evidence
DECEMBER:虽然一些现代T-Rex表示是彻头彻尾的可爱,但实际的恐龙是一种可怕的,可怕的束。从我们所知道的,Tyrannosaurus rex是最大的贪食野兽是漫长的星球。谈到尺寸时,思考校车的长度。谈到他们的力量,认为能够压碎骨头。与身体的其余部分相比,他们的手臂可能是itty-bitty,但他们的相当大的钳口比为它弥补。根据我们心爱的人natgeo.,他们可以以某种方式每咬多达500磅的肉。

And our personal favorite from 2018:

你可能会惊讶地看到互联网着名的尼安猫在我们的博客中露面。我们可以与这种感觉有关。上周,我们的团队注意到一只匿名Nyan Cat进入一个协作文件,我们向您保证,这种令人愉快的惊喜感到没有任何令人愉快的意外,只要谈到匿名Google Doc生物时会击中累积奖金。如果你之前从未听说过这只猫,请检查病毒视频没有少于163,193,134 views。你会发现的是一个3:37的动画片猫的视频,其中一个流行挞躯干飞过空间。作为纽亚猫后面的彩虹踪影,你会听到日本的歌舞歌曲的歌曲。它从哪里来的?Web-Comic Creator,Chris Torres,与世界的纽约猫共享,在2011年回来。我们很高兴我们能够通过我们的观众分享这个微小的魔法角落。

